Daily Devotional: 5/31/2018 - FEAR = TRUST
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10. Growing up we are scared of so much. There are countless things that we can be scared of, the dark, the monsters the lived in our closest or under our beds, ghosts, homework, anything. As a kid there was always something more superior that we looked at that would give us comfort. We had a night light, dad checked in the closest and under the bed before we were able to sleep, our very own ghostbuster vacuum, mom "helped" us with our homework. As you grow up your fears become more in depth and real. There are snakes, spiders, debt, wondering how much sleep we are going to get, snakes, college, plans, snakes, drowning, life, snakes (do not know if I mentioned that yet…), and relationship stuff. Even though we have grown up there is still a superior figure that we lean on in the tough times and to help us with the things that scare us. This time it