Daily Devotional: 7/27/2018 - DIFFERENCE MAKER PT. II
"And he climbs on up the hill; On the rock on which he stands; He looks back at the crowd; And he looks down at his hands and he says; I am a difference maker." NEEDTOBREATHE - "Difference Maker" (Pre-Chorus) This is a "science fiction" short story based on my life. A story and mission of a difference maker. Yeah, isn't it amazing how a man can find himself alone? Call into the darkness for an answer that's he ever known; Yeah, isn't it amazing how a God can take a broken man; Yeah let him find a fortune, let him ruin it with his own two hands ? Leaves dance on the trees, fog rises from the distance mountains as the rain cooled the hot summer ground, the porch swing creaks. The wind whispers secrets in my ears. There are over seven billion people in the world and there is not one to be found, it is just my thoughts and me. I can do this all on my own, I do not need anyone. The more people there are the more problems there are f