Daily Devotional: 4/14/2018

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” ‭‭James‬ ‭1:19‬

As Christians this is something we have to focus and work on daily. We will face so much ridicule and hate from everyone. We will be persecuted for our love for Jesus. But don't worry, so was Jesus and all his disciples. Like anything else Jesus is the perfect example to follow on how to handle persecution. Jesus was  slow to speak and slow to anger because he was quick to listen. Jesus listened to everyone, he was not quick to judge. He was respected everyone and everything no matter what they believed. When the Romans were arresting him and getting ready to crucify him, they beat him and yelled insults at him; but Jesus took it. He didn't yell back. He didn't fight back. If I was in the situation I wouldn't be so calm and would probably throw some hands. We can't be quick to judge either. We have all be down in the dumps and in the darkness. We can't beat someone with the Bible, usually if we beat them they just reject us and think of Christians to be all like that. God doesn't want us to force people into believeing in him. No matter how much we spend to with a person, it's not us that saves them it's God. It's all in his time. So if you're continually studying with someone that just won't crack, don't be discouraged do your thing and keep showing the love of Jesus, God will do the rest. If you are usually quick to speak and slow to listen, pray about it. Work on it. Be like Jesus, he was so slow to speak and so quick to listen. You never know the person you usually would be quick to speak on, if you listen they might change your life and/or you might change their's. Always too if you listen you get to learn more and understand the situation, instead of being quick to speak and give bad advice.

Lord, I pray and thank you for your word. Thank you for just being the perfect example to follow. Being a powerful 3 in 1 God. I pray you give us the strength to hold our tongues in time we want to fight. Allow us to have an open heart, open mind, and open ears. I pray you're guiding us through every situation allowing us to show your grace and love in everything we do. Allow us to glorify your name in everything we do. I pray all this in your son's glorious awesome name, Amen.



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