Daily Devotional: 4/8/2018 SPIRITUAL MUSCLES

“Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his his glory and the two men standing with him.” Luke 9:32

This verse comes from the Transfiguration in Luke 9. Jesus throughout the Bible would take his disciples and go places to pray. In this occasion, he took Peter, John, and Jame with him up to a mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying, his face changed and his clothes became as bright as a light (v. 29). Two men then appear talking to Jesus. Not just any two men, both Moses and Elijah, two of the greatest disciples of the Old Testament. This is where the disciples that came with Jesus were fully awaken by the glory. This is a daily problem in the world. We have to be awaken. We are not in spiritual shape. We may constantly being going to the spiritual gym, but how well are you working out. Are you there lifting light weight for 10 minutes or are you there for hours lifting more than you think, testing your limits and your max. Yeah, lifting any type of weight it good for you, but it will not help in the end. When its time for the competition, you will not be able to compete with everyone else, you will get tired quicker and easier. It’s the same way with the Bible. We have to constantly be in our Bible, but there is a difference from reading and READING. When you read, you grasp the concept, you learn it in the moment, but you don’t fully hold on to it. When you READ, you mark the Bible, you take notes, you reread the passage multiple times, you write what moves you, you pray about it, you not only just read it but you use it. When you READ you are able to talk about Jesus and his life, you are able to be stronger in your faith and you get to grow closer to God. The more you READ the more you add layers to you spiritual muscles. The only difference between your worldly muscle and spiritual muscles, is that worldly muscles stop getting big at some point and as you grow older they get saggy; spiritual muscles don’t stop growing and the only time they start to sag is when you stop READING and you lose faith. You don’t need steroids for you spiritual muscles, they grow using God’s word. Sometimes we sleep on the glory of God, wake up and smell the coffee. He is amazing in all he does. Once you READ you yourself like these disciple will be awaken to his glory. A couple verses later, as Peter was talking to Jesus, a voice came from the clouds and said “This is my son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” Once the voice had spoken, all they saw was Jesus standing there alone (v. 34-36). There are advantages and disadvantages of living in a time like now. We have the Word and we have seen all what was done in the past, but Jesus has not stepped back on this earth and do all he has done like he did way back in the day. So continue to READ, continue to preach the Word, and live the Word, establish quiet times, continually pray, be with God; be ready for when the coach (Jesus) calls your name on competition day, we will all have our name called, we just have to be ready to show off our muscles.

Lord, thank you. Thank you for coming to this earth. Thank you for being the best coach we will ever have. Help us when we are at the gym, allow us to grow stronger in you. Allow our muscles and endurance grow big and long. Allow people to in wow of our muscles and want to know how to get them that big. Allow us to be ready for competition day. But most importantly help us continually glorify your name, we don’t do this for anyone but for you. I pray all this in your son’s glorious awesome name, Amen.



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